Holiday and Christmas Tips to Relieve Anxiety

Let’s face it, holidays are tough! No matter what you celebrate, from Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and the New Year, there can be a lot of pressure to buy gifts, run back home or toother destinations to see friends or family, there is a lot of pressure to do so much around this time.

This pressure can lead to feelings of anxiety. So it can be extremely important to find ways to relieve anxious feelings around this time. But how? Here are some tips that can help:

1. Do not stop maintaining healthy habits

As these holidays consume so much of our time, time spent exercising at gyms or going for a walk can be forgotten about. Don’t! Yes, going to the gym and for a walk are important, but you can do these things as well:

● Deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga

● Remembering to get plenty of sleep

● Not being on your phones or social media all the time. Checking in is important, but try not to take in too much information

2. Remembering to find time for yourself

The pressure to spend a lot of time with others can be important and is often necessary, but can also feel overwhelming. It is okay to be by yourself for some time.

Doing the following can help provide relief:

● Look up! Including at the night sky, notice how beautiful the sky can be at night while stargazing

● Listen to music. Try listening to music that makes you feel relaxed

● Reading a book. Is there a book you wanted to read but haven’t gotten to it yet? Now can be a good time

3. Try not to overspend

This is much easier said than done. However, we can feel a lot of pressure to spend as much as possible and buy many gifts for many people. While getting gifts can people can make us feel good, don’t forget about doing this:

● Make gifts yourself. While you can buy gifts, making them can give a sense of accomplishment and an added appreciation for the gift being given

● Donate. The holidays is a time that many can feel they are forgotten, donating to charity can make them feel good and you as well. Donating will also remind about limited spending and how important it is to cherish what we have

● Not having to give gifts all yourself. Starting a gift drive, or gift pool with friends or family can be a great idea. Exchanging gifts can make it feel as if a reward is given while also received.

There are many more things you can do to relieve anxiety these holidays, as we are worried about how much we give, how much we spend, and having to make time for other people. Setting aside time for yourself, remembering to do what is healthy and limiting what you spend are just some ways to reduce anxiety specifically for the holidays. But not just the holidays. For everyday life.


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